Pesmi, ki jih pišem, nastajajo spontano, brez kakršne koli namere. Kar pridejo in se pustijo zapisati. No, ne vedno. Znajo ubežati. Včasih jih spremlja napev ali pa se ta pojavi kasneje, ob prebiranju. In ga zapišem.
Kot bi gledal seme kaliti; sprva ni videti ničesar, nato pa se pojavi nekaj. In, če temu pustiš, da se razvije, in če v ta čudežni proces rasti vključiš še druge ljudi, lahko zraste kaj lepega... Brez sodelovanja, sprejemanja in dobre volje, celo najboljše misli in pesmi - izzvenijo v prazno. Obdaja nas praznina, ki jo gradimo sami.
Glasba je jezik in dejanje, ki presega naše majhnosti in nas vse povezuje; nastane osebno a zraste in se razvije le ob blagodejnem vplivu sodelovanja in podpore. Taka glasba je prijetna in prinaša dobra sporočila, ugodno počutje. Trudim se, da vam moja glasba to nudi. Iz dobrega je nastala in dobro predaja naprej. Tako razumem glasbo in življenje. Moji glasbi se nikamor ne mudi.
Moja glasba je posebno darilo, ki sem ga prejel od bogve kod in bogve zakaj. Zato, in zavoljo njenih sporočil, njeno bogastvo lahko dosežeš le z uporabo edine valute, ki to omogoča. Ta valuta je tvoja POZORNOST. Datoteke posameznih pesmi lahko celo kupiš na strani:
S svojo podporo mojemu ustvarjanju se pokaže Tvoja mogočnost.
Nekatere pesmi so nadgrajene z videospoti, ki so na ogled na mojem profilu Youtube:
My poems are created spontaneously and absolutely intentionless. they just came and I write them down. Not allways. Can get away. Sometimes they are accompanied by melody or it apears somehow later. And I write it down.
As if one observes a development of a seed. At the beginning there is nothing, and than there apears something. And if you let it grow and you include other people in this miracle, something nice can grow out of it... Without integration, honest cooperation, exceptance and goodwill, even the best thoughts and songs are lost in darkness. We are surrounded by amptyness, builded by us alone.
Music are the language and the action that owercomes our insignificance and it conect us all; it appears personally but it grows and evolves only under the benificient effect of cooperation. Such music is pleasant and brings good messages and feelings. I working hard that my music provide that. It originates in goodness and that very goodness it passes along. That is how I understand music and life. My music is not in hurry.
My music is special gift, given to me by Godknows who and Godknows why. That and for the sake of her messages, her abundance can be reached only using one and only currency which allows that. This currency is your undivided ATTENTION. You can buy files of songs and downloaded on page:
With your support to my creatings Your own Mightyness is manifested.
Some of my songs are upgraded with videos. You can see them on my YouTube channel:
Place for creation and practice. Music near heaven.
I`ve got my self a first guitar. On 50-th birthday.
ŠanSončki begins at 2016. We are no more... for now.