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Moja glasba torej ni le moja, temveč je plod povezovanja, sodelovanja in medsebojnega razumevanja številnih ljudi; glasbenikov in specialistov zvoka, pa tudi naših prijateljev, partnerjev, družin, sodelavcev, znancev, sorodnikov in mnogokrat tudi naključnih mimoidočih; različnih spolov in še bolj različnih nazorov. Zato naj vas ne preseneti, če se prepoznate v kateri od pesmi. Lahko, da govori prav o vas. Morda smo se srečali...


My music therefore is not only mine, but is a fruit of conections and cooperations and mutual understanding of many peoples.

Not only musicians and sound specialists of both genders and all sort of believes but also our friends, partners, familys, co-workers, aqaintances, relatives and frequently by persons who just randomely passing by.  So do not be over-surprised if you recognise yourself in particular song. It might telling your story.  Perhaps we've met...

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